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“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6


We recognize that academics are not one-size fits all and every student is a unique individual created by God.  Whether your student begins in our early childhood program or in middle school, 1st Lutheran School prioritizes small class sizes and excellent parent-teacher communication. We partner with parents to ensure that we meet the unique needs of each student, working to overcome areas in which they struggle and to build upon their academic strengths.


1st Lutheran specializes in offering student-driven education that emphasizes academic rigor in a Christ-centered worldview. 


1st Lutheran’s Early Childhood is a full-time, full day program for children PreK 2 - PreK 4. We prepare students for elementary school through a fun, caring environment that offers both academics and a play-based environment. We offer three early childhood classes. Students must be the classroom age by August 1st of that year.


1st Lutheran's Elementary program consists of Kindergarten through 5th grade.  We focus on core academics providing a solid foundation for Middle School.  Our teachers focus on creating an exciting, rigorous learning environment.  Elementary students receive an exposure in the fine arts through choir, music, art and band (5th grade only). Students must be five by August 1st of the current year to begin Kindergarten.



At 1st Lutheran, we realize the importance of technology in a learning environment. We strive to teach our students digital citizenship with a Christian worldview.

1st Lutheran benefits from the following technology:


  • Technology for students in Kindergarten - 5th Grade

  • Internet safety filtering for all school-issued iPads and Chromebooks

  • Fully wireless campus with Wi-Fi access across the entire campus

  • High Definition TVs and Projectors in all classrooms

  • K-2 use iPads inside the classroom

  • Grades 3-4 begin taking chromebooks home as needed

  • Grade 5 take their Google Chromebooks home nightly



At 1st Lutheran, we believe that, with the right support, students can reach their full potential.


We support diverse learners.


At 1st Lutheran School, our mission is to provide a Christ-centered, academically excellent program, where through nurturing and encouragement, children grow to spiritual maturity modeling the morals, values, and characteristics of a Christian lifestyle.  One of the ways we do that is by making modifications to meet individual students’ needs. We use 504 Plans, which simply document some of the accommodations that we make for students in order to provide accountability and consistency. 


We also use Individualized Service Plans (ISP) for students with an identified disability.  Some students may receive reading and math intervention services.  Another way we serve our students is by coordinating with Fort Smith Public Schools to provide Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Title I tutoring services for those students who qualify.  We work hard to make sure students don’t “fall through the cracks.”  We believe that, with the right support, students can reach their full potential.

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